Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recent Bastardries

I had a terrific bastard moment yesterday, I had a bunch of mailings to do that didn't get finished until around 4 yesterday, so at 4:10 pm I descended on the post office with 42 envelopes that had to be individually weighed and stamped. There were two people working, and I managed to hold up one of them for 30 minutes with the occasional wave and smile to the gathering crowd behind me. It's good to be a bastard!

If you have G4, and they are showing them in order, tomorrow night should be the episode of "The Chaser's War On Everything" when most of the cast get arrested for driving a car with the Osama Bin Laden lookalike into the APEC summit.

Humanitarian of the week: Morrissey - saving Asheville from having to hear what he's become. Maybe 311 will show the same consideration to people unfortunate enough to buy a ticket to their show.

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